Weather Monitoring Station
Bhartel Weather monitoring station is an equipment designed for gathering meteorological data and environmental information through various sensors. It can measure Temperature, Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind direction, Rainfall, Solar Radiation & other Optional Parameter. This system proves advantageous for an agricultural expert dependent on precise rain forecasts or a coastal area administrator overseeing wind speeds during an approaching storm. These monitoring stations are crucial for weather forecasting, climate research, and a wide range of applications, including agriculture, aviation, and emergency management.

Product Features
- ✔ Data Logger :4/ 8 /16 Sensor Channels
- ✔ Operating Voltage : 9-12 V
- ✔ Response Time: 1 Second
- ✔ Temperature Measuring Range: -40C to 80 C
- ✔ Data Retrieval: USB Drive / Cloud Server
- ✔ Housing Material: Polycarbonate- waterproof enclosure
- ✔ Cloud Network and software for analytics & reporting
- ✔ Input Connectivity Interfaces – RS485 /RS232/ 4-20mA/0-5 V
- ✔ Output Wireless Interface-GSM/GPRS
- ✔ Solar Powered